Tuesday 21 May 2013

New Xbox and PS4 with 'Call of Duty: Ghosts'

Editor's note: John Gaudiosi is co-founder and editor-in-chief of Gamerhub.tv Video Syndication Network. He covered video games for hundreds of outlets over the past 20 years, and specializes in the convergence between Hollywood and games.
(CNN) - While the gaming world is focused on the new Xbox is one of Microsoft, Activision is using the most popular to the nines, "Call of Duty", the first attack on the next generation of consoles.
Has been designed Infinity Ward developer of new technology for game engine to take advantage of Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's new unit, both due by the end of the year. In "Call of Duty: Ghosts" will come to PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 players in the November 5, with the launch of the next generation of upcoming dates at a later time.
In a recent interview in Los Angeles, showed Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg off what the next generation games will mean in the "Call of Duty" a new game. Rather than continuing to "Modern Warfare" story, the development studio decided to start from scratch with a new story and new characters.
"Ghosts" puts players in the alternative America - the future and this is what was crippled by the government in a state of chaos. Ghosts are remnants of the various branches of the special forces. We have adopted the best methods of fighting these branches as they battle across a wide range of terrain and environments.
Also new to the franchise is an interactive dog, which the developers that have been created using the latest technology of performance capture. Dog promises to be a faithful companion and important throughout the campaign game.
This being the "Call of Duty" game, and there will also be a new multi-play to entice players to log on and take on friends from all over the world on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. "Call of Duty: Ghosts" and adds dynamic maps, including natural events such as floods, earthquakes and activate the player obstacles such as doors and booby-traps.
We sat down with Hirshberg to talk about what are the opportunities for the next generation consoles that will open to the players. Here is an edited version of our conversation:
CNN: What will determine what the next generation of games is in the autumn of this year?
Hirshberg: It's interesting. If you look at what happened in the culture, not only in games but generally in the culture over the past seven years that the current generation has been accounted for, the way we communicate, the way we consume entertainment, and the way in which we can connect socially through digital areas completely changed During that period of time exactly.
Olympics current Generale like "Call of Duty" had something to do with it. They are the tip of the sword. Play multiple "Call of Duty" is probably one of the first comprehensive things that people did together in a digital environment. Now we do not almost everything together in a digital environment. Each of these methods to communicate with the hardware in your pockets and be able to comment on everything, everything, and classification of every rank, really has not made its way to the games so far.
We were a little ahead of the curve with the "Call of Duty: Elite", which went out with an attempt to create a more social experience. One of the things you're going to see with the next gen is that with the "elite", we have been working around the current restrictions Generale in order to make a meaningful connection to the game itself. We had to find our way through the obstacle course of technologically to achieve it.
The next generation is being designed with that in mind. There really is baked in connection with the next-gen hardware, the way you are thinking about it, and I think it will create many opportunities for social contact surrounding video games.
CNN: What will it mean for a society of "Call of Duty" players out there?
Hirshberg: We see 40 million people a month to play "Call of Duty." Played six million people today. This is 175 days after the start of the last game. Anything that a lot of people do, and care about, and usually there is a whole eco-system content to serve their interests in that hobby.
They do not just watch a game of football. They have sports league imagination. They have their favorite highlight. They have a blog that they read. They have a Mini that displayed on the Internet. They connect with this thing on multiple devices, several times a day, seven days a week, and not only when there is a football game on.
With games, and it's pretty much either you play the game or you do not play the game, and I think that with the next gen and you're going to see that the spread of the ecosystem in different devices, different times in the day, with many entertainment content more supportive of our branches.
CNN: When you look at the past transitions to new consoles, has been focusing on improving visual fidelity.
Hirshberg: You're going to see that too. But to be fair, the last time was not only graphical fidelity. This was the introduction to the connected machines. The introduction of multiple PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. Took games such as "Call of Duty" and ran with it, and there is a certain amount of humility and we all need to have.
No one will see in the future exactly accurately, but the establishment of such networks connected with the latest generation of devices has created an explosion with a new multi games, and it became the main road and people spend hours gaming. Next Gen is always a combination of hardware design and ... What developers and creative minds to do with that hardware. I just look at the main differences and theorizing that this is where you're going to see a new burst of creativity.
CNN: What role do you feel "Call of Duty" will play in games enticing to upgrade to the next generation?
Hirshberg: the game you need to be big, but when you have the kind of scale, "Call of Duty" that are very popular and so have a huge potential to be one of the things that people really want to see. If you look at the last transition unit, the higher the privileges that bridge the gap between Generals past and present, and I think that it will not happen again.
We can not take it for granted and assume that people will show up just because it's "Call of Duty." It should be a great game, and it does not need clarification and a symbol of everything that next gen is capable of and this is why we put this level of investment against it.
This is why we do not take the easy way to do sequel to "Modern Warfare." This is why we have the privilege of openness, deregulation and do all the new characters and all new world and a whole new approach to the game. We want to set standards for the next gen.
CNN: What are the challenges when it comes to this transformation? "Call of Duty: Ghosts" is coming also on the next gen, but the majority of players will be playing on the current generation of consoles.
Hirshberg: One of the decisions that we made early on, and that was not a simple decision, but we believe it was the right one, is that we have exactly the same team developing the game for the current GM also is developing the next gen. Some publishers have a master developer do for the next generation of game then outsourcing some of the current GM.
We felt as if it was really important to make what I think would be the best current General "Call of Duty" ever because of that game will take advantage of all the new thinking and all of the new ideas that are going into the next generation.
And some things from the viewpoint of technology may not be doable on the general current, such as the Sub-D mapping and texture and that stuff, but all the ideas toys such as maps dynamic, customization character, a new story, new world; the general current beneficiary of all those ideas new. I think it would be better for the current gen game we've ever.
CNN: Traditionally, with the new hardware comes a lower price point for the current GM. How much life there is in the current systems General to proceed, given that the PlayStation 2 had a very long tail?
Hirshberg: I'm trying to can not predict these things. What I do know is that we're going to have great games on every platform where our audience is. This has been the philosophy of Activision for a long time. We always Atheist platform.
Where there are players that want to have a great experience, and we're going to have a "Call of Duty" for the big game for them, and we're going to have a great "Skylanders" game for them.
Even if the Next Gen is off to the races in one day, there will be still a lot of people who are either waiting to see or save their money and those who do not go to dive in right away, and we want them to have a great experience, very

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