Saturday 27 April 2013

Galaxy S4 Vs HTC one & iphone 5

Samsung has completely stuffed Galaxy S4 camera in 13 megapixel camera with settings and modes, but other issues if the phone image quality can not stand up to the hype.
Therefore, this smartphone to shoot, among the top Android rival Galaxy S4, the HTC one, and another beacon of excellence photography smartphone, the iPhone 5.
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One important thing to note is that all three mobile sensors are very different. Galaxy S4 hosts the 13-megapixel camera, Wi-iPhone 5 has a shooter 8 mega pixels.
For its part, HTC and one that has a camera called "ultrapixels," which is actually a 4-megapixel camera. Although there was not a lot of other specific details are available, it is quite clear that each camera smart phone has a different focal lengths.
A note on my methodology: I took all the pictures at the same time and the same point of view. In most cases, I use the automatic mode the camera, and kept the flash in auto mode as well. I want to show very well how to deal with common scenarios cameras do I set up without any special modifications. If you're more inclined Photography, you'll be able to draw even better images using manual settings and other media.
Most are resized and cropped images, and I will clarify whether they crop of full-resolution images. When it came time to evaluate the images, I called CNET Editor Josh Goldman camera reconsideration me. Down the line, Josh plans to put the camera S4 Galaxy through his usual battery of camera tests in New York. At the present time, although I hope you enjoy this Francisco penalty Saint.
Up arrow
Very cool, colorful, and tucked away statue stacks up arrows (or polka dots are the people?) In a tall order.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
Josh and I thought that colors the Samsung Galaxy S4 looks the most accurate, if a little cold. Is also the most evenly exposed image. overexposes HTC one shot, with yellow blown out, and a lot of lost highlight detail in the background and in the reflection of the glass door on the left. However, you can see the seam on black statue more pronounced in one shot for HTC. For its part, iphone underexposes the photo a bit, but rounded out the colors are a bit more pleasing.
I shot these pictures of a fountain fixture in a nearby yard.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
Galaxy S4 loses this round. Not its camera does not seem to know where to focus, so I chose steadier something about: a mass of rocks inside the fountain. HTC is one clear winner, possibly leaning on a fast shutter speed to freeze the water running successfully. All three images, this image is also the most focused across the entire plane, but as it was before dawn, and one of the detail in the water at the beginning. IPhone 5, meanwhile, fits right in between the two countries.
Also noticed that the color of one HTC is out, and tend toward blue. See that repeated in many of the photos throughout this test.
Fountain near
Here erupted, full-resolution part of the focal point in the stream of water.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
Up close, the dominance of one in this shot is more crystal clear, although notes that Josh water is oversharpened the definition and "crunchy."
Is strictly prohibited
Do not park here. They really mean it.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
All three cameras did a beautiful job capturing this image, but the Galaxy S4 has the advantage of the most accurate representation of color and low noise levels. It was one of our least favorite, and the loss of a lot of background details. It was a little bit rusty red as well, a symptom of the overall blue cast camera. Of pictures, red iPhone 5 in saturated makes for a more vibrant image.
Banners, near
These images are the original full-resolution crop, and all different sizes.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
Artifacts across the strongest characters in one HTC and iPhone 5 pictures, which you can see the rough edges a little bit there. The colors are a little more accurate on GS4, and while there is still noise, and there is less of it.
There are quite a lot of the fabric of this at the top of the mud is. I focused on the mouth, such as it is.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
This is one of the interesting shot because they look very different in all areas. Image S4 is generally preferred, blessed again with even the most exposure of the three. You can see the details clay and also some definition in the street scene background. One statue looks brightest in the light of the fencing, but exposing the hopeless, and that you can tell when you take in the blown-out tree leaves, a section of the street, white, yellow, barely meters, and taxis striped color.
Although the iPhone has produced the darkest image, it's the only one where you can see the actual road and the best taxi cab detail. There are more shadow detail as well. This picture may be the most technically efficient of the three, but my vote goes to the Galaxy S4 in this round.
Sweet ride
What is the best way to learn how to deal with the color of the phone cameras this awesome scooter?
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
All three of these pictures look pretty nice. Samsung and iPhone produce rich, vibrant reds (one is blue again). If you look closely at the front of the Vespa, you will notice that the phone is HTC, and to a lesser extent, iPhone, wash the surface. For another example, identify your eyes on the mountain just to the left of the steering wheel on the right.
I took these pictures at home at dusk in a room with artificial lighting, with a focus on her nose. I took multiple shots with each camera, and use the automatic mode, so the camera can algorithms that decide to use flash or not.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
I'm still not sure what happened here. Turned any of the three images as expected, which means, in focus. In fact, all three images look pretty awesome. Galaxy S4 launched a flash, and filled in the picture, but also to make the subject look pale.
HTC One never focused and never tried to use flash, but it is blurriest of the bunch, and this is (believe it or not), the best of the three shots I took. While the iPhone 5 Photos noisy, it can be said, looking better than the picture GS3, because it makes use of natural light. I think this is one of the toss-up for me, but if I post one of them via e-mail or through a social network, I'd choose GS4.
On the rocks
I shot this cocktail without flash lit indoor environment is very low.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
Oh, Samsung, what did you do? Camera picked GS4 clearly the light source is a mistake to focus on, and create an image light inky low, while one image HTC actually came strong enough to know that you are looking at drinks in the cup. Highlights strange and blue floating window put an obstacle in one victory dance, but you get the general idea. IPhone 5 takes this round with the best colors, evenness, and detail.
All text
One, flickering candle illuminated the drink menu, on the inside taken with the flash off. I focused on the "R" great and this kept the cropped image at full resolution. These images represent the best of the three shots in the camera.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
This is one of the machines exhibition this pure stress test, although few are likely to return this scene exactly. Once again, Samsung Galaxy S4 erased completely, which leaves the bout low lighting highest award of this crop full resolution between the iPhone 5 and HTC One. One has shot better than when technically account for the largest amount of detail, and the least amount of noise color. IPhone 5 image contains a tremendous help of hype, but I think that if you were to take a picture of such a list in its entirety, Photos iPhone will be easier to read.
Final Evaluation
Josh and I both agree that one camera HTC is the weakest of the three. Color reproduction colder and adds blue to cast shadows. It also overexposes the more shots and transmits the least amount of detail. However, the performance was a good one low-light, as in many cases, we will be happy with an image of one in cases of casual sharing photos.
When it comes to out and out winner, and the conflict between the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4 grows murkier. In a well-lit pictures, and choose the "best" camera is a coin toss. Minus the iPhone a slight pick up most of the details through the scene, but the camera produces GS4 lots of pictures we were the best.
HTC One camera work (Photos)

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If there is one thing that tips the iPhone across the favor, it's low-light performance - and this is in the automatic mode of the phone Galaxy failed miserably. IPhone and always had an impressive record with consistently good shots that do not require you to dig through the settings of the first, and she proved it again here against GS4.
Still, Samsung deserves fame to work nicely with the Galaxy S4 camera, including tools such as automatic burst mode and settings such as Panorama and HDR, among the most fantasy creatures. To take samples of the most Galaxy Photos S4 and details about the camera S4, and check out my full Samsung Galaxy Review S4. You will find one review HTC here.
Threads: smart phones, Android words: HTC One, Droid, Samsung Galaxy S4, and smart phones, iPhone 5, Galaxy S4 read the entire review CNET
Samsung Galaxy S4
The bottom line: Its list of features require time and effort to master really, but Galaxy S4 is the best option for anyone looking for the big screen, do everything smartphone. Read the full review
Voting editors CNET '
Price: $ 199.99
Post Date: 05/03/13 Update: 26/04/13
Average User Rating
19 user reviews

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