Tuesday 21 May 2013

New Xbox and PS4 with 'Call of Duty: Ghosts'

Editor's note: John Gaudiosi is co-founder and editor-in-chief of Gamerhub.tv Video Syndication Network. He covered video games for hundreds of outlets over the past 20 years, and specializes in the convergence between Hollywood and games.
(CNN) - While the gaming world is focused on the new Xbox is one of Microsoft, Activision is using the most popular to the nines, "Call of Duty", the first attack on the next generation of consoles.
Has been designed Infinity Ward developer of new technology for game engine to take advantage of Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's new unit, both due by the end of the year. In "Call of Duty: Ghosts" will come to PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 players in the November 5, with the launch of the next generation of upcoming dates at a later time.
In a recent interview in Los Angeles, showed Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg off what the next generation games will mean in the "Call of Duty" a new game. Rather than continuing to "Modern Warfare" story, the development studio decided to start from scratch with a new story and new characters.
"Ghosts" puts players in the alternative America - the future and this is what was crippled by the government in a state of chaos. Ghosts are remnants of the various branches of the special forces. We have adopted the best methods of fighting these branches as they battle across a wide range of terrain and environments.
Also new to the franchise is an interactive dog, which the developers that have been created using the latest technology of performance capture. Dog promises to be a faithful companion and important throughout the campaign game.
This being the "Call of Duty" game, and there will also be a new multi-play to entice players to log on and take on friends from all over the world on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. "Call of Duty: Ghosts" and adds dynamic maps, including natural events such as floods, earthquakes and activate the player obstacles such as doors and booby-traps.
We sat down with Hirshberg to talk about what are the opportunities for the next generation consoles that will open to the players. Here is an edited version of our conversation:
CNN: What will determine what the next generation of games is in the autumn of this year?
Hirshberg: It's interesting. If you look at what happened in the culture, not only in games but generally in the culture over the past seven years that the current generation has been accounted for, the way we communicate, the way we consume entertainment, and the way in which we can connect socially through digital areas completely changed During that period of time exactly.
Olympics current Generale like "Call of Duty" had something to do with it. They are the tip of the sword. Play multiple "Call of Duty" is probably one of the first comprehensive things that people did together in a digital environment. Now we do not almost everything together in a digital environment. Each of these methods to communicate with the hardware in your pockets and be able to comment on everything, everything, and classification of every rank, really has not made its way to the games so far.
We were a little ahead of the curve with the "Call of Duty: Elite", which went out with an attempt to create a more social experience. One of the things you're going to see with the next gen is that with the "elite", we have been working around the current restrictions Generale in order to make a meaningful connection to the game itself. We had to find our way through the obstacle course of technologically to achieve it.
The next generation is being designed with that in mind. There really is baked in connection with the next-gen hardware, the way you are thinking about it, and I think it will create many opportunities for social contact surrounding video games.
CNN: What will it mean for a society of "Call of Duty" players out there?
Hirshberg: We see 40 million people a month to play "Call of Duty." Played six million people today. This is 175 days after the start of the last game. Anything that a lot of people do, and care about, and usually there is a whole eco-system content to serve their interests in that hobby.
They do not just watch a game of football. They have sports league imagination. They have their favorite highlight. They have a blog that they read. They have a Mini that displayed on the Internet. They connect with this thing on multiple devices, several times a day, seven days a week, and not only when there is a football game on.
With games, and it's pretty much either you play the game or you do not play the game, and I think that with the next gen and you're going to see that the spread of the ecosystem in different devices, different times in the day, with many entertainment content more supportive of our branches.
CNN: When you look at the past transitions to new consoles, has been focusing on improving visual fidelity.
Hirshberg: You're going to see that too. But to be fair, the last time was not only graphical fidelity. This was the introduction to the connected machines. The introduction of multiple PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. Took games such as "Call of Duty" and ran with it, and there is a certain amount of humility and we all need to have.
No one will see in the future exactly accurately, but the establishment of such networks connected with the latest generation of devices has created an explosion with a new multi games, and it became the main road and people spend hours gaming. Next Gen is always a combination of hardware design and ... What developers and creative minds to do with that hardware. I just look at the main differences and theorizing that this is where you're going to see a new burst of creativity.
CNN: What role do you feel "Call of Duty" will play in games enticing to upgrade to the next generation?
Hirshberg: the game you need to be big, but when you have the kind of scale, "Call of Duty" that are very popular and so have a huge potential to be one of the things that people really want to see. If you look at the last transition unit, the higher the privileges that bridge the gap between Generals past and present, and I think that it will not happen again.
We can not take it for granted and assume that people will show up just because it's "Call of Duty." It should be a great game, and it does not need clarification and a symbol of everything that next gen is capable of and this is why we put this level of investment against it.
This is why we do not take the easy way to do sequel to "Modern Warfare." This is why we have the privilege of openness, deregulation and do all the new characters and all new world and a whole new approach to the game. We want to set standards for the next gen.
CNN: What are the challenges when it comes to this transformation? "Call of Duty: Ghosts" is coming also on the next gen, but the majority of players will be playing on the current generation of consoles.
Hirshberg: One of the decisions that we made early on, and that was not a simple decision, but we believe it was the right one, is that we have exactly the same team developing the game for the current GM also is developing the next gen. Some publishers have a master developer do for the next generation of game then outsourcing some of the current GM.
We felt as if it was really important to make what I think would be the best current General "Call of Duty" ever because of that game will take advantage of all the new thinking and all of the new ideas that are going into the next generation.
And some things from the viewpoint of technology may not be doable on the general current, such as the Sub-D mapping and texture and that stuff, but all the ideas toys such as maps dynamic, customization character, a new story, new world; the general current beneficiary of all those ideas new. I think it would be better for the current gen game we've ever.
CNN: Traditionally, with the new hardware comes a lower price point for the current GM. How much life there is in the current systems General to proceed, given that the PlayStation 2 had a very long tail?
Hirshberg: I'm trying to can not predict these things. What I do know is that we're going to have great games on every platform where our audience is. This has been the philosophy of Activision for a long time. We always Atheist platform.
Where there are players that want to have a great experience, and we're going to have a "Call of Duty" for the big game for them, and we're going to have a great "Skylanders" game for them.
Even if the Next Gen is off to the races in one day, there will be still a lot of people who are either waiting to see or save their money and those who do not go to dive in right away, and we want them to have a great experience, very

new version of Xbox video game console is released

Redmond, Washington - Microsoft is betting it has a new way to win the wallets of consumers.
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Stuart Isett for The New York Times
Said Don Mattrick, head of Microsoft's interactive entertainment business, the console interaction with mobile devices.

Microsoft Unveils New Xbox one

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Stuart Isett for The New York Times
The new game console from Microsoft, as shown to the press Tuesday.
Company on Tuesday introduced the new version of Xbox video games. Xbox was one of the few consumer Hits undeniable Microsoft of the past decade, a product that was not just a credible entry in the gaming business, but also a sign of innovation in the company car which is rarely seen as an innovative thinker.

"I think of the Xbox and Microsoft's accidental success," said James McQuivey, an analyst at Forrester Research, who added that Microsoft's connection may be formed with players from the current Xbox is "much deeper than any relationship with Microsoft has achieved ever before. "

The new console, the Xbox one, enter the market are very different from the previous one, and Xbox 360, entered for nearly eight years ago, when there was no iPad, and it was the smart phone consoles and handheld gaming devices were rudimentary at best.

Today, video games can be played almost anywhere, on any device, with the largest possible audience of friends online and without the help of an expensive gaming console.

It was a year or two rugged Microsoft's consumer efforts. Operating system software, Windows 8 and the surface of the tablet computing devices received a lukewarm reception from the public when it went on sale last fall.

The company's efforts have been ignored mobile phone to a large extent. Even Bing, an Internet search engine from Microsoft, has failed to close the wide gap with Google, the market leader.

Microsoft, though, we can see better results with the Xbox. However, it hopes that it can be re-emphasis on the living room as a place where people can still get the best gaming experience, complete with eye-popping graphics and innovative ways to control games. It is also a place that can be a Microsoft technology at the center of a home entertainment system and oppression through which people access to online video.

Microsoft has sold more than 76 million of the current incarnation of the device, and Xbox 360 worldwide, compared with almost 100 million Wii consoles from Nintendo and more than 70 million PlayStation 3s from Sony.

The company also controls what may be the most valuable in the gaming console, Xbox Live, a service on the Internet on a subscription basis with 48 million members who use it to play games against each other, and watching movies.

"You can do a lot of things on the phone and a lot of things on the tablets," said John Taylor, an analyst at Arcadia Investment. But, he said: "You can not do the same kinds of things on those devices" that you can on the TV screen.

Microsoft plans to develop their own original TV series live-action, which will be accessible through the Xbox. And this series will be available in partnership with director Steven Spielberg will be based on the popular Halo video game franchise.

The company is also working with the National Association of Football application development for the Xbox, which allows players to interact with their teams fantasy football while watching the game live.

In an interview, said Don A. Mattrick, head of Microsoft's interactive entertainment business, he recognized the growing appeal of mobile devices and games that Microsoft would strongly linked to smartphones and tablets in the experience of using the apparatus. Became most animated when talking about the new possibilities of the Xbox video programming providers.

"We're going to take the form of an experiment in one direction and pushed through a straw to where you can communicate back and make it interactive," said Mr. Mattrick.

Even if it is a wild success, and the new Xbox is likely to have a greater impact on consumer perception of it will on Microsoft's total sales. Xbox remains a small slice of the company's business, which is still dominated by sales of Windows, Office and other programs. Actress company's games department only 4 percent of its operating profit.

In a ceremony held in a carnival tent inside the campus for the companies, and Microsoft did not disclose the amount of the new system will cost or how publishing partners would charge for the games, which usually start at about $ 60 for game consoles high-end.

A key feature of the new Xbox, which is expected to reach store shelves in time for the holiday season, be a new generation of Kinect, the camera-based sensor to control the movement several years ago a partner Xbox 360. Will come Kenkt new with every Xbox one.

Retail sales have come traditional games under pressure in recent years as mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad have invaded their own interests with free games and low cost. While many of the players rejected those offers as inferior to console games, toys and although it tapped into a large audience of players who may never have played on the Xbox or Sony's PlayStation.

Action games can be used to shake. And decreased total U.S. retail sales of hardware and software for the game 25 percent to $ 495.2 million in April from $ 657.5 million in the previous year, according to estimates from NPD Group, a research firm. This figure does not include the sale of downloadable content via the Internet.

Alex St. John, a businessman who worked on the efforts of Microsoft's Xbox game before, says he is pessimistic about the prospects of playing keyboards.

"They're coming out with the latest and greatest stone tool," said Mr. St. John. "The new console that excel on the old console called the Apple iPad. This generation of kids like mobile gaming."

Nokia Lumia 920 vs Nokia Lumia 925

Description Switch
Nokia Lumia 920 vs Nokia Lumia 925
Nokia announced the slim and light new smartphone - Mia 925 with Windows Phone 8 running on it. New Mia is made ​​925 smartphone using metallic aluminum structure and relatively lighter phone Lumia 920. Although Mia 925 touted to be the successor, it bears a number of similarities with the phone Lumia 920. I read about its features.

Monday 20 May 2013

Antonov AN-225 Maria

Antonov AN-225 Maria, the largest aircraft in the world
The Antonov AN-225 cargo plane Maria is the strategic air transport, which is designed by the Antonov Design Bureau of the Soviet Union in the 1980s, and is the largest aircraft in the world. Is heavier aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 640 tons and larger heavier-than-air aircraft in terms of length and wingspan in operational service.

Sunday 19 May 2013

iPhone 6

It is rumored that the 5S and iPhone 6 all to be released later this year, despite the fact that no one knows for sure, we will have to wait until Developers Conference World Wide Web, which will have its primary June 10.

In the meantime, the Internet was flooded with the concept renderings of what is expected of the new phones to look like and what key features they will have. YouTube user Sonitdac and the hypocrisy provided "iPhone 6", which looks similar to any iPhone 5. On the "success factor" comes in, where are shown the upper and lower ends of the iPhone biting off to create a position for a small degree of elevation.



Then expected to be 6 to provide iPhone keyboard and trackpad on the desk in front of the phone, and functional Mac movie screen on the wall. Watch the video below:

Although this is not a only renderings concept, it is interesting to consider the possibilities of what could potentially iPhone look like one day. At the same time a patent, found by Apple internal documents the main system whereby iPhone devices can be controlled illuminated after the other, in a manner similar to that seen in professional photography studios.

According to the patent, other iPhone, Laptop or third-party devices can be used to provide additional lighting and dramatically enhance the quality of the scene you're shooting.

At the same time, in a piece today by Mark Chubb in phonesreview.com, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 5S is believed to be available in September. The report is based on analyst Peter Misek Jeffries, who recently spoke with Bloomberg on this topic. Misek in talks with 400 companies from certain that production, and so far has not yet begun, and you will see the latest Apple (s) arrives in September.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Nokia introducing 48-day battery life 'on standby'

The new Nokia Asha 501, which was launched on Thursday, giving the 48 days of battery life on 2G networks while on standby, according to Nokia.
Along with a standby time of 48 days, the 1200 mAh battery on a device in the size of the palm of the hand also enable 17 hours of talk time and 56 hours of music
Run, ABC News reports.
According to the report, it appears Asha 501 variable smaller than the phone Lumia Windows phone chain, and come in a variety of colors (red, blue, black, yellow, white and green), adding that the phone also has a multi-touch screen, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, 3.2 megapixel camera and memory option MicroSD, expandable up to 32 GB.

The Nokia also that although the Asha 501 does not support 3G or 4G data speeds, it comes packaged with the browser Nokia Xpress, the new presses Internet data by nearly 90 percent, making Mobile Browse prospect in emerging markets which provides data at a lower cost options for all users.

The report also said that Nokia has teamed up with wireless carrier Airtel and Facebook to provide Asha 501 users on neworks Airtel in Africa and India, with free access to the data via Asha Facebook application and all mobile Web pages Facebook.

According to a spokesman for Nokia, the Asha 501 will be available in markets in Asia and the Pacific, India, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Europe starting in June 2013 onwards.

Contains a mobile operating system Asha new already attracted app developers from some of content creators most popular for Apple iOS and Google Android, including CNN, ESPN, Facebook, Foursquare, LinkedIn, The Weather Channel, Twitter, Electronic Arts and C. Luft, the report added.

Monday 29 April 2013

iOS via Google Search App

Previously only available on Android devices, Google is now finally available for iOS users. As an alternative to Apple's personal assistant, Siri, Google now provides updates and detailed information custom-tailored for you. Service is included as part of the update to the Google search application.

Google now originally started as part of the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean again in the summer of 2012. For obvious reasons, Apple's take on the competing service may seem a bit awkward at times. Only in the last month, and Eric Schmidt, Google claimed that the company is waiting for approval from Cupertino to bring now and iOS. Later that same day, Apple claimed never submitted.

Back and forth, however, users can check iOS from now on the iPhone and iPad after updating the Google search application. Google now uses "cards" synced with your Google Account to provide updated information including flight schedules and dinner suggestions, and sound research (obviously).

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Saturday 27 April 2013

Galaxy S4 Vs HTC one & iphone 5

Samsung has completely stuffed Galaxy S4 camera in 13 megapixel camera with settings and modes, but other issues if the phone image quality can not stand up to the hype.
Therefore, this smartphone to shoot, among the top Android rival Galaxy S4, the HTC one, and another beacon of excellence photography smartphone, the iPhone 5.
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One important thing to note is that all three mobile sensors are very different. Galaxy S4 hosts the 13-megapixel camera, Wi-iPhone 5 has a shooter 8 mega pixels.
For its part, HTC and one that has a camera called "ultrapixels," which is actually a 4-megapixel camera. Although there was not a lot of other specific details are available, it is quite clear that each camera smart phone has a different focal lengths.
A note on my methodology: I took all the pictures at the same time and the same point of view. In most cases, I use the automatic mode the camera, and kept the flash in auto mode as well. I want to show very well how to deal with common scenarios cameras do I set up without any special modifications. If you're more inclined Photography, you'll be able to draw even better images using manual settings and other media.
Most are resized and cropped images, and I will clarify whether they crop of full-resolution images. When it came time to evaluate the images, I called CNET Editor Josh Goldman camera reconsideration me. Down the line, Josh plans to put the camera S4 Galaxy through his usual battery of camera tests in New York. At the present time, although I hope you enjoy this Francisco penalty Saint.
Up arrow
Very cool, colorful, and tucked away statue stacks up arrows (or polka dots are the people?) In a tall order.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
Josh and I thought that colors the Samsung Galaxy S4 looks the most accurate, if a little cold. Is also the most evenly exposed image. overexposes HTC one shot, with yellow blown out, and a lot of lost highlight detail in the background and in the reflection of the glass door on the left. However, you can see the seam on black statue more pronounced in one shot for HTC. For its part, iphone underexposes the photo a bit, but rounded out the colors are a bit more pleasing.
I shot these pictures of a fountain fixture in a nearby yard.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
Galaxy S4 loses this round. Not its camera does not seem to know where to focus, so I chose steadier something about: a mass of rocks inside the fountain. HTC is one clear winner, possibly leaning on a fast shutter speed to freeze the water running successfully. All three images, this image is also the most focused across the entire plane, but as it was before dawn, and one of the detail in the water at the beginning. IPhone 5, meanwhile, fits right in between the two countries.
Also noticed that the color of one HTC is out, and tend toward blue. See that repeated in many of the photos throughout this test.
Fountain near
Here erupted, full-resolution part of the focal point in the stream of water.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
Up close, the dominance of one in this shot is more crystal clear, although notes that Josh water is oversharpened the definition and "crunchy."
Is strictly prohibited
Do not park here. They really mean it.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
All three cameras did a beautiful job capturing this image, but the Galaxy S4 has the advantage of the most accurate representation of color and low noise levels. It was one of our least favorite, and the loss of a lot of background details. It was a little bit rusty red as well, a symptom of the overall blue cast camera. Of pictures, red iPhone 5 in saturated makes for a more vibrant image.
Banners, near
These images are the original full-resolution crop, and all different sizes.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
Artifacts across the strongest characters in one HTC and iPhone 5 pictures, which you can see the rough edges a little bit there. The colors are a little more accurate on GS4, and while there is still noise, and there is less of it.
There are quite a lot of the fabric of this at the top of the mud is. I focused on the mouth, such as it is.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
This is one of the interesting shot because they look very different in all areas. Image S4 is generally preferred, blessed again with even the most exposure of the three. You can see the details clay and also some definition in the street scene background. One statue looks brightest in the light of the fencing, but exposing the hopeless, and that you can tell when you take in the blown-out tree leaves, a section of the street, white, yellow, barely meters, and taxis striped color.
Although the iPhone has produced the darkest image, it's the only one where you can see the actual road and the best taxi cab detail. There are more shadow detail as well. This picture may be the most technically efficient of the three, but my vote goes to the Galaxy S4 in this round.
Sweet ride
What is the best way to learn how to deal with the color of the phone cameras this awesome scooter?
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
All three of these pictures look pretty nice. Samsung and iPhone produce rich, vibrant reds (one is blue again). If you look closely at the front of the Vespa, you will notice that the phone is HTC, and to a lesser extent, iPhone, wash the surface. For another example, identify your eyes on the mountain just to the left of the steering wheel on the right.
I took these pictures at home at dusk in a room with artificial lighting, with a focus on her nose. I took multiple shots with each camera, and use the automatic mode, so the camera can algorithms that decide to use flash or not.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
I'm still not sure what happened here. Turned any of the three images as expected, which means, in focus. In fact, all three images look pretty awesome. Galaxy S4 launched a flash, and filled in the picture, but also to make the subject look pale.
HTC One never focused and never tried to use flash, but it is blurriest of the bunch, and this is (believe it or not), the best of the three shots I took. While the iPhone 5 Photos noisy, it can be said, looking better than the picture GS3, because it makes use of natural light. I think this is one of the toss-up for me, but if I post one of them via e-mail or through a social network, I'd choose GS4.
On the rocks
I shot this cocktail without flash lit indoor environment is very low.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
Oh, Samsung, what did you do? Camera picked GS4 clearly the light source is a mistake to focus on, and create an image light inky low, while one image HTC actually came strong enough to know that you are looking at drinks in the cup. Highlights strange and blue floating window put an obstacle in one victory dance, but you get the general idea. IPhone 5 takes this round with the best colors, evenness, and detail.
All text
One, flickering candle illuminated the drink menu, on the inside taken with the flash off. I focused on the "R" great and this kept the cropped image at full resolution. These images represent the best of the three shots in the camera.
Galaxy S4
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
IPhone 5
(Credit: Jessica Dolcourt / CNET)
This is one of the machines exhibition this pure stress test, although few are likely to return this scene exactly. Once again, Samsung Galaxy S4 erased completely, which leaves the bout low lighting highest award of this crop full resolution between the iPhone 5 and HTC One. One has shot better than when technically account for the largest amount of detail, and the least amount of noise color. IPhone 5 image contains a tremendous help of hype, but I think that if you were to take a picture of such a list in its entirety, Photos iPhone will be easier to read.
Final Evaluation
Josh and I both agree that one camera HTC is the weakest of the three. Color reproduction colder and adds blue to cast shadows. It also overexposes the more shots and transmits the least amount of detail. However, the performance was a good one low-light, as in many cases, we will be happy with an image of one in cases of casual sharing photos.
When it comes to out and out winner, and the conflict between the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4 grows murkier. In a well-lit pictures, and choose the "best" camera is a coin toss. Minus the iPhone a slight pick up most of the details through the scene, but the camera produces GS4 lots of pictures we were the best.
HTC One camera work (Photos)

1-2 of 6
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If there is one thing that tips the iPhone across the favor, it's low-light performance - and this is in the automatic mode of the phone Galaxy failed miserably. IPhone and always had an impressive record with consistently good shots that do not require you to dig through the settings of the first, and she proved it again here against GS4.
Still, Samsung deserves fame to work nicely with the Galaxy S4 camera, including tools such as automatic burst mode and settings such as Panorama and HDR, among the most fantasy creatures. To take samples of the most Galaxy Photos S4 and details about the camera S4, and check out my full Samsung Galaxy Review S4. You will find one review HTC here.
Threads: smart phones, Android words: HTC One, Droid, Samsung Galaxy S4, and smart phones, iPhone 5, Galaxy S4 read the entire review CNET
Samsung Galaxy S4
The bottom line: Its list of features require time and effort to master really, but Galaxy S4 is the best option for anyone looking for the big screen, do everything smartphone. Read the full review
Voting editors CNET '
Price: $ 199.99
Post Date: 05/03/13 Update: 26/04/13
Average User Rating
19 user reviews

Sticker collection grows in Facebook, the path
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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Fight between Android 5.0 Lime Pie & 7iOS

Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie vs. 7 iOS, and features expected
Under: Android OS, Apple iPhone, Google Android, iOS, Software
Date: April 15, 2013
Despite the new high-end smart phones are always eagerly anticipated, it is easy to forget that sometimes it's the operating system that can really make the phone shine. This year we look forward to the arrival of the next major upgrade Apple's mobile operating system to iOS 7 along with the next major upgrade Android 5.0 Key lime pie. With this in mind we thought we would take a look at Android 5.0 Key Lime pie versus 7 iOS and some of the features that had been expected for each.

Although he did not confirm anything for any of these operating systems coming from the expected widely to iOS 7 will be on display at Apple's WWDC event in June, which 5S iPhone will be the first device launched it off. At the same time, it is expected Android 5.0 Key Lime pie for the first time in I / O event in May, Google and it's rumored that the Nexus 5 smartphone or rather mysterious X Motorola device may be the first with KLP fired from just outside the penalty area.

It's a fact of life that with the current competition in the mobile world no matter how good the hardware of the phone is, the program features can be equally important. We have already received a lot of comments on the previous articles about the possible features and wish lists for Android 5.0 Key Lime pie and iOS 7 so we have an idea of ​​what could be many want to see. Product Reviews has also come up with an interesting look at the expected features.

Looking at the first key lime pie, and include some of the possibilities and night mode to maintain power, and put the game on the optimum power when needed and improve performance features. There could be even more support for multiple devices and keyboard touch improved. Other features discussed previously include improved voice assistant, a video chat application and improve the reserve.

IOS 7 features include possible additions to the lockscreen, fingerprint software technology and Apple Maps 2.0 as well as better battery performance across modify the software. We also previously noted the possibility of strengthening the management of the agency, and ways to hide applications and more intelligent auto-correct, rapid response, integration piece, switch-ups, pull-down menus and icon, iRadio and more.

IOS 7 should be interesting in particular for up to a former Apple hardware design guru Sir Jonathan Ive moved to the software side and therefore the whole look of the new operating system may have received an overhaul. This would be great also accused iOS sometimes recently looking a bit old though of course it remains to be seen exactly what impact has had alive in this section.

We are really interested to hear your views on Android 5.0 Key Lime pie for iOS 7. Do you think that Google, or Apple, is likely to come up with something that could win cross-platform users from the opposite? Do you ever wish list of features you're hoping to see KLP's iOS or 7? Please let us know with your comments.